Clergy Member
Clergy members are leaders in religions including Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Clergy members lead worship based on religious doctrines, are sought out for guidance and advice, and perform a range religious ceremonies such as birth rituals, weddings, and funerals.
- Active Listening
- Compassion
- Neutrality
- Patience
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Content Library: Clergy Member
In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this talk, Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening -- to other people and the world around you.
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Corporate leaders’ 360-degree feedback indicates that one out of four of them has a listening deficit — the effects of which can paralyze cross-unit collaboration, sink careers and, if it’s the CEO with the deficit, derail the company.
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Studies on listening have show that we spend 60% of our communication time listening and that the average person can only remember 10% of that 3 days later. Discover why most of us find listening so difficult and how we can improve our listening skills.
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Discover how people think, how they process information, and what goes on behind the scenes.
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To succeed in a cross-cultural business setting, it's important to understand the differences in how people communicate. Language isn't the only barrier. Pace, style, and nonverbal cues all affect how messages are received.
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Practitioners create a space for the people they are helping, and let them bring the content (rather than a teacher or mentor whose job it is to impart education and information). An impartial stance means being in a place of non-judgement, of holding a space of psychological safety, and maintaining an equal voice to all those taking part.
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Good intentions are not enough. Sticking to one’s plan is hard work. We humans are notoriously poor at following through with our plans. We tend to be ambivalent about making a change. We want to lose weight, but we also love to eat. Fortunately, people can resist desire and temptation using the following resistance strategies.
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