Park rangers have been around since Medieval times. They're entrusted with protecting and preserving parklands – whether national, state, provincial, or local parks.
Not all park rangers actually work in parks: some are called upon to work at historic trails, national monuments, battlefields and historic sites.
No matter their place of work, the primary goal of rangers is to protect natural resources, ecosystems, and wildlife, and the people who visit them.
- Active Listening
- Adaptability to Changing Requirements
- Ingenuity
- Instructing
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Content Library: Park Ranger
In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this talk, Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening -- to other people and the world around you.
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Corporate leaders’ 360-degree feedback indicates that one out of four of them has a listening deficit — the effects of which can paralyze cross-unit collaboration, sink careers and, if it’s the CEO with the deficit, derail the company.
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Studies on listening have show that we spend 60% of our communication time listening and that the average person can only remember 10% of that 3 days later. Discover why most of us find listening so difficult and how we can improve our listening skills.
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Discover how people think, how they process information, and what goes on behind the scenes.
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Loosely defined as the ability to adapt and thrive in a fast-changing environment, AQ is taking its place alongside established quotients like IQ and EQ when it comes to determining an employee’s value
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What it takes to be a quick-change artist
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If your competitive reality is uncertain and rapidly changing, as is true in an increasing number of industries, you need a dynamic and sustainable way to stay ahead. Your survival may depend on building an organization that can exploit four capabilities.
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Designing and installing electrical systems in all types of commercial, residential, and industrial projects, while carrying out maintenance and repairs safely and quickly.
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So, you're thinking of becoming a plumber. What's drawing you to this trade? Maybe it's the fact that we rely so completely on water services, that good plumbers are always in demand. Or, maybe you're particularly interested in the world of plumbing fixtures, water system design, and all the new technology coming up in this field. Whatever your motivation, your first step is to consider the steps involved in plumber training, and the skills you'll need to build a successful career.
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Instruction needs to consider the content and processes to be addressed, the strengths, needs, and interests of students, the Common Essential Learnings that could be incorporated, and the most effective instructional approaches.
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Instructional strategies are the techniques instructors use to deliver training. They can be used in a variety of formats and scenarios.
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