Written Communication

The draft of the senior partner's speech didn't look so great. After an hour, Génesis had turned it around. The audience were going to love it; it was sharp, punchy, and perfectly explained the boss's plan for the coming year.

Written communication involves any type of message that makes use of the written word. Written communication is often the most important and the most effective of any mode of business communication.

Content Library: Written Communication
A day in the life more_vert
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An example of how the day-to-day looks for a financial analyst

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    Multiple choice quiz on ratios

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  • The Business Analyst job description more_vert
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    Resources on salary, roles and more

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  • Becoming a financial analyst more_vert
    Becoming a financial analystclose

    In the financial services industry, one of the most coveted careers is that of the analyst.

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  • Google Tech Dev Guide more_vert
    Google Tech Dev Guideclose

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  • Roy Peter Clark's Writing Tips more_vert
    Roy Peter Clark's Writing Tipsclose

    Roy Peter Clark has written or edited nearly 20 books about the craft of writing, including Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, The Art of X-Ray Reading: How the Secrets of 25 Greats Works of Literature Will Improve Your Writing, and most recently, Murder Your Darlings: And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser.

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    A simple and clear guide to a key plumbing skill

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